How to Clean Felted Wool Slippers

How to Clean Felted Wool Slippers

Are your favorite felted wool slippers starting to look a bit worn and need a little TLC? Don’t worry! With the right techniques and a little bit of care, you can easily clean your beloved slippers and have them looking and feeling as good as new. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of how to clean felted wool slippers without damaging them. Let’s dive in!

Why Clean Your Felted Wool Slippers Regularly?

Before we jump into the cleaning process, let’s take a moment to understand why it’s important to clean your felted wool slippers regularly. Over time, slippers can accumulate dirt, oils, and odors from everyday wear. Cleaning them not only helps to maintain their appearance but also helps to eliminate any unpleasant smells and prolong their lifespan.

What You’ll Need for Cleaning Felted Wool Slippers

Before you begin cleaning your felted wool slippers, gather the following items:

  1. Wool-safe soap or gentle detergent
  2. Clean, white towel
  3. Bucket or sink
  4. Soft-bristled brush or toothbrush
  5. Fan or hairdryer (optional)

Now that you have everything you need, let’s move on to the step-by-step cleaning process.

Step 1: Remove the Insoles

If your felted wool slippers have removable insoles, start by taking them out. This will allow you to clean the slippers thoroughly and ensure that no dirt or debris is trapped inside. Set the insoles aside for now.

Step 2: Brush Away Dirt and Debris

Using a soft-bristled brush or toothbrush, gently brush away any dirt or debris from the surface of your slippers. Pay close attention to the areas around the toes and heels, as these tend to accumulate the most dirt. This step will help loosen any particles and prepare the slippers for the cleaning process.

Step 3: Prepare the Cleaning Solution

Fill a bucket or sink with warm water and add a small amount of wool-safe soap or gentle detergent. Stir the water until the soap or detergent is fully dissolved. Make sure to use a detergent that is specifically designed for wool to avoid damaging the fibers.

Step 4: Soak Your Slippers

Place your slippers in the bucket or sink, ensuring that they are fully submerged in the soapy water. Allow them to soak for about 15 minutes. This soaking process will help to loosen any dirt or stains that may be present.

Read More: How to Clean Felt Slippers

Step 5: Gently Scrub

After the slippers have soaked, take a damp cloth and gently scrub the surface of the slippers. Focus on any areas that have visible stains or dirt. Be careful not to scrub too vigorously, as this can cause damage to the delicate wool fibers.

Step 6: Rinse and Pat Dry

Once you have finished scrubbing the slippers, rinse them thoroughly with cold water to remove any soap residue. Gently squeeze the slippers to remove excess water, and then use a clean, white towel to pat them dry. Avoid using colored towels, as they may transfer dye onto the slippers.

How to Dry Felted Wool Slippers

Drying your felted wool slippers properly is crucial to maintain their shape and prevent any damage. Here are two methods you can use to dry your slippers:

Method 1: Air Drying

The best way to dry your slippers is by air drying. Place them on a clean, dry towel in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Allow them to dry naturally, flipping them occasionally to ensure even drying. This method may take a few hours or overnight, depending on the humidity and airflow in your home.

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Method 2: Hairdryer (Optional)

If you’re in a hurry and need to speed up the drying process, you can use a hairdryer on the cool setting. Hold the hairdryer about 12 inches away from the slippers and move it around gently as you dry. Be cautious not to use high heat, as it can shrink or damage the wool fibers.


Can I wash felted wool slippers in a washing machine?

Hand washing is the preferred method for cleaning felted wool slippers. However, if you must use a washing machine, place them in a mesh laundry bag and wash them on a delicate cycle with cold water. Always refer to the care instructions provided by the manufacturer.

How often should I wash wool slippers?

It’s best to wash your wool slippers once a month to keep them fresh and clean. However, if you live in a humid climate or tend to have sweaty feet, you may need to wash them more often.

What is the best detergent for washing wool slippers?

To clean your wool slippers, use a mild laundry detergent specifically designed for wool or a wool-safe soap. Avoid using harsh detergents that contain bleach or enzymes, as they can damage the fibers.

Can I put felted wool slippers in the dryer?

No, it is not recommended to put felted wool slippers in the dryer. The heat can cause shrinkage and damage the slippers. Always air dry them to maintain their shape and integrity.


Cleaning your felted wool slippers doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide and using the right cleaning products, you can keep your slippers looking and feeling fresh for a long time.

Remember to handle them with care and avoid harsh chemicals or high heat. With proper maintenance, your beloved felted wool slippers will continue to provide warmth, comfort, and style for many cozy moments to come.

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