How to Knit a Tote Bag

How to Knit a Tote Bag

Tote bags are not only practical but also fashionable accessories that can be easily created through the art of knitting. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced knitter, making your own tote bag allows you to showcase your creativity and personal style.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of knitting a tote bag from start to finish. From choosing the right yarn and needles to adding the final touches, you’ll have all the information you need to create a beautiful and functional tote bag.

Choosing the Right Yarn and Needles

One of the first steps in knitting a tote bag is selecting the appropriate yarn and needles. The type of yarn you choose will depend on the desired durability and appearance of your bag. Natural fibers like cotton or linen are often preferred for tote bags due to their strength and ability to hold their shape. Additionally, super bulky or chunky weight yarns are commonly used for tote bags as they allow for quick and efficient knitting.

When it comes to selecting needles, circular needles are recommended for knitting tote bags. Circular needles provide flexibility and ease of use, especially when knitting larger projects like tote bags. Make sure to choose needles that are suitable for the yarn weight you have selected.

Basic Knitting Techniques

Before diving into the specific steps of knitting a tote bag, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with a few basic knitting techniques. These techniques will form the foundation of your knitting skills and enable you to create a beautiful and well-constructed tote bag.

Casting On

To begin your knitting project, you’ll need to cast on stitches onto your needles. There are various casting on methods to choose from, such as the long-tail cast on, knit cast on, or backward loop cast on. The method you select will depend on your personal preference and the specific instructions provided by your chosen tote bag pattern.

Knit Stitch

The knit stitch is the most fundamental stitch in knitting. It creates a smooth and versatile fabric that is perfect for the body of a tote bag. To knit a stitch, insert your right-hand needle into the first stitch on your left-hand needle from left to right. Wrap the yarn around the right-hand needle counterclockwise and pull it through the stitch, slipping the old stitch off the left-hand needle. Repeat this process for each stitch until you have completed a row.

Purl Stitch

The purl stitch is another essential stitch in knitting and creates a textured fabric that can add visual interest to your tote bag. To purl a stitch, insert your right-hand needle into the first stitch on your left-hand needle from right to left. Wrap the yarn around the right-hand needle clockwise and pull it through the stitch, slipping the old stitch off the left-hand needle. Repeat this process for each stitch until you have completed a row.

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Binding Off

Binding off, also known as casting off, is the process of finishing your knitting project and securing the stitches. To bind off, knit the first two stitches as usual. Insert the left-hand needle into the first stitch on the right-hand needle and lift it over the second stitch and off the needle. Continue knitting one stitch and binding off until you have reached the end of the row.

Knitting the Base of the Tote Bag

Once you have familiarized yourself with the basic knitting techniques, you can begin knitting the base of your tote bag. The base of the bag forms the foundation for the rest of the project and provides stability and structure.

To knit the base, start by casting on the desired number of stitches onto your circular needles using the casting on method of your choice. Knit each row in your preferred stitch pattern, such as garter stitch or stockinette stitch, until the base reaches the desired length.

Adding Sides to the Tote Bag

After completing the base of the tote bag, it’s time to add the sides. This step will give your bag depth and allow it to hold a greater volume of items.

To add the sides, pick up stitches along the edges of the base using your circular needles. The number of stitches you pick up will depend on the desired width of the sides. Knit each side in your chosen stitch pattern until they reach the desired height. This can be done by knitting rows back and forth, turning the work at the end of each row.

Seaming and Assembly

Once the sides of the tote bag are complete, it’s time to seam and assemble the various pieces. This is where your tote bag starts to take shape and become a functional accessory.

Using a tapestry needle or a crochet hook, seam the sides of the bag together to create a rectangular shape. You can use a whip stitch or slip stitch seam for a clean and secure finish. Make sure to leave an opening at the top for the bag’s opening.

Creating the Handles

The handles of a tote bag are an essential component that allows for easy carrying and adds a decorative touch. There are various methods for creating handles, including knitting i-cords or attaching pre-made handles.

To create i-cord handles, cast on a small number of stitches onto double-pointed needles or a circular needle. Knit each row in the i-cord pattern until the handles reach the desired length. Attach the handles to the sides of the tote bag using a tapestry needle or by sewing them directly onto the fabric.

Finishing Touches

With the main components of the tote bag complete, it’s time to add the finishing touches. This includes weaving in any loose ends, blocking the bag to ensure it retains its shape, and adding any desired embellishments such as buttons or pom poms.

Weave in the loose ends by threading them onto a tapestry needle and sewing them into the fabric, ensuring they are secure and hidden. Blocking the bag involves gently wetting it, shaping it to the desired dimensions, and allowing it to dry flat. This will help the tote bag maintain its shape and give it a professional finish.

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Tips for Customizing Your Tote Bag

While the basic steps outlined in this guide will help you create a beautiful tote bag, don’t be afraid to customize and make it your own. Here are a few tips for adding personal touches to your tote bag:

  1. Experiment with different stitch patterns to create unique textures.
  2. Add pockets or compartments to the interior of the bag for added functionality.
  3. Use contrasting colors or yarns to create stripes or color-blocked designs.
  4. Embellish the bag with embroidery, appliques, or fabric patches.
  5. Line the interior of the bag to add durability and protect the contents.

Remember, knitting is a creative and versatile craft, so feel free to let your imagination run wild and make your tote bag truly one-of-a-kind.


Can I knit a tote bag with straight needles instead of circular needles?

Yes, it is possible to knit a tote bag using straight needles. However, using circular needles allows for greater flexibility, especially when working on larger projects like tote bags. If you prefer using straight needles, you can still follow the same steps outlined in this guide, working each section separately and seaming them together at the end.

Can I line my knitted tote bag?

Yes, lining your knitted tote bag can add durability and protect the contents. To line your bag, choose a fabric that complements the color and style of your knitted fabric. Measure and cut the fabric to fit the interior of your bag, leaving a seam allowance. Sew the lining pieces together, then hand-stitch or machine-sew the lining to the knitted bag, ensuring the stitches are hidden and secure.

How can I make my tote bag more sturdy and able to hold heavier items?

If you’re planning to use your tote bag for carrying heavier items, consider reinforcing it by adding a fabric lining or incorporating a sturdier yarn, such as a cotton blend or a yarn with a higher ply. Additionally, you can reinforce the handles by knitting them with multiple strands of yarn or attaching pre-made handles for added strength.

Can I resize the tote bag to make it larger or smaller?

Yes, you can easily resize the tote bag to suit your preferences. To make the bag larger, increase the number of stitches and rows for each section proportionally. Similarly, to make the bag smaller, decrease the number of stitches and rows. Keep in mind that altering the size may also require adjusting the number of stitches picked up for the sides and the length of the handles.


Knitting a tote bag allows you to showcase your creativity while creating a functional and stylish accessory. With the step-by-step instructions provided in this comprehensive guide, you now have all the knowledge and tools to embark on your tote bag knitting journey. Remember to choose the right yarn and needles, master the basic knitting techniques, and customize your bag to make it truly your own. Happy knitting!

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